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Naked came about from a jam session at the back of the Crown pub in Sheerness.



Naked formed in Sheerness, Kent in early 1979, inspired by the first wave of punk bands. After a few months rehearsing their first gig in June 1979 was bizarrely in Holland. Over the next few years by many more gigs in Holland followed which became something of a home-from-home for the band.

Their first demo recorded in 1979 had a definite 70s DIY punk feel, however their sound developed with time and in 1981 they recorded 10 songs that were released as a mail-order cassette titled “1981”. Things really started to take off once Crass asked for one of the tracks “Mid-1930s Pre-War Germany” to be included on the compilation album “Bullshit Detector II”. The track was easily the album’s standout and a Sounds review said of it ‘smacks of self-motivated sincerity as opposed to the usual predictable conformity’.

Gradually the band were becoming more politicised and soon became a part of the burgeoning “anarcho-punk” scene. During 1983 they developed a friendship with The Subhumans and played numerous gigs with them. So in November 1983 Bluurg released the “One Step Forward” 7″ which was a top 20 indie hit and stayed in the chart for 5 weeks. Another single was planned for Bluurg but for reasons now forgotten never happened.

The band continued writing and gigging until early 1987 when long standing vocalist Tony left and was replaced by Paula. However, post-Tony it was never the same and the band finally stopped in September 1987.

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